Moon Circle of the Divine Feminine: Moving into a Deeper Sisterhood

Women from around the world are beginning to engage their evolution in a new way, becoming deeply empowered, ready and able to move toward their larger destiny!

Pay your Self a visit. Come home to your inner Self. The joy, bliss and ecstasy which can burst forward from that small encounter will carry you through some very rough spots in your life.

We are Awakening the co-creative Feminine together!

Join with other women using the power of the natural moon cycles to heal and manifest our highest being.

Every month we:

Gather with other Women in Sacred & Supportive Safe Spaces

Complete the cycle of the New Moon to the Full Moon to activate healing and manifesting in Feminine tradition

Reclaim your Personal Power and transmute fears to Joy

Start your journey by clicking the Moon Circle Sign Up here on the website or at the top of the  Spirit Woman Journey Facebook Page.

The planet needs your expression, creativity and love NOW more than ever. I picked this most powerful time that the cosmos have set up for us, to manifest our hearts desires and to Think BIG.

I can't wait to see what we create in our sacred time together. Looking forward to shared, deep connections! Love, Diana

Join our mailing list and meet us in our Secret Women's Moon Group

New Moon March 11, 2013

Moon cycles are transforming.

Welcome to February's New Moon!

This will be an important day to integrate all the new energy we have been downloaded with over the last few months. Receive, receive, receive and breathe it all in. images, feelings,insights and love of our New Earth.

What are you having a hard time receiving ?

What do you need to make it easier for you to receive?

Today, will you lift your Spirit and Open Your Arms to receiving?

Many of us have found ourselves swallowed in a cocoon during this past cycle since the Solstice, as we have been integrating the tremendous influx of light that bathed the Earth during the most powerful galactic alignments of recent times. Tremendous energy waves are now moving through and across our planet and we see this intensity play out in our personal lives, our communities and throughout our world. Light and dark are seeking to balance and to find that state of equanimity.

This upcoming New Moon ushers in that very special turning of time where the light and the dark harmonize and the resulting reflection offers great clarity, for those who pause to see, and direct connection to the dreams and messages of the Divine Presence.